Friday, September 26, 2008

If you are looking for me...

I have been having trouble with this page so I made a new blog address. Look for what's happening at

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Quick update

What a tangled web we weave when we live with our parents move back out, try to establish a new household, and have Christmas. The last three months of our lives have not been easy. We thought we were on our way to Colorado when a lot of things changed. Jesse, the kids, and I are now living in Crest. That is an UNencorporated part of El Cajon. We have a 2 bed 2 bath house on 3/4 of an acre. Our dog LOVES it and so do we. Jesse is still working for AMR and continuing the application process for different fire departments. I am very busy with teaching water aerobics (I'm up to 4 days a week) and taking care of a household of boys. I realized a couple weeks ago that there is too much testosterone in my house. There is my husband Jesse, the boys Frank and Oliver, our dog Dex, and our snake Caw. I am being wrestled and knocked over more than cuddled. I play in the dirt with dump trucks and sticks instead of baking pretend cookies and having tea parties. I've decided our next pet or child must be a girl:) I wouldn't trade my boys for anything but I would like to see the way the other half lives.
Frank and Ollie are all boy. Today I witnessed the return of Godzilla and an interesting game of chicken. Frank got a Thomas the Tank Engine train set for Christmas. We set up the track almost everyday so he can play with his trains. Today I set up the track, as usual, and Frank began to play. Ollie came crawling along and saw the trains on the track. He crawled over the track to sit in the middle. He watched a little while longer when suddenly he got up on all fours and reached out. He snagged an engine right off the track, sat down, and put it into his mouth. Then with the other hand he grabbed the track and took it apart for a different "flavor." What did Frank do about all this. He said "Ollie, Ollie, no... es mine." He wasn't mad. He simply stated the facts. After we extracted the track and train from Ollie's iron grip and put things back together the game of chicken began. I think Frank was tired of watching the trains follow each other around and around in a circle so he decided to set the trains heading for each other. He would watch them go around, let them crash, remove one train so the other could continue, and then set the train back on the track to go 'round and crash again. My days are full of crashing, crying, bumps and bruises. Ollie is teething, pulling himself up onto everything, and cruising along furniture. Frank is learning his limits and body awareness. This year we only had one trip to the emergency room and came out with just one staple in the head. That's pretty good for Frank. Ollie is only 8 months but I'm hoping we can make it through his first year without any major damage.